Motherhood has never been easy. Becoming a mother is a lot about dealing with all the cultural norms, stereotypes, and identity crises too. People often forget that motherhood is a big change for all women. It is absolutely wonderful news but it is also delicate news that needs adjustment and time. They have so much to worry about from figuring out the best way to breastfeed, to thinking about the upbringing of their baby and toddlers. You also have to wonder if you want to go back to work, can you afford not to go back, how easy would it be to adjust, what will happen to our social life, how supportive is our spouse, and how hard will it be to accept the new you.
Despite all the arguments, when you become a mother, you change. For good. Sure, you enjoy the same foods and enjoy going to the same old clubs but the experience is not the same again. This time it is with your changed senses, body, and ofcourse an additional member of your family that is now glued to your side. You child! As a mother, there is no proper way to explain the stress of entering motherhood and actually living it. Some people crack under the pressure and never recover from it unless they receive some professional help. Others learn coping mechanisms, adopt new thought processes and change their entire personality to accommodate the new changes in life.
Becoming a mother is extremely hard, and there is a good chance no one has told you how to cope with the stress of it. Let’s talk about some of the different ways we can cope with this.

Make Sure To Share Your Burden And Responsibilities
People often forget that with motherhood also comes fatherhood. Your partner should be your rock during this entire journey. The important thing about having a partner is you both share everything. And that includes the burden and responsibilities of giving birth to a child. This is their child just as much as it is your child. Make sure you both have a support system where you evenly distribute your tasks.
Taking Off Nights
Not every night is about being a mother. Unfortunately, the cultural norm does not entail that. But we are here to tell you that it is okay to take much-needed breaks. There is a crushing pressure on many women to do their best and spend extra time with their children. They throw in the facts about scientific studies to put this pressure on young mothers. When in reality, children can handle a little break from you. In fact, they need it just as you absolutely need it. Taking a break does not mean you love them any less. It means you need to recharge and be happy before you can get back to your motherly duties. The same goes for the father of the baby. Both need to be mentally happy and stable to take care of a baby. So ensure that you both have great support systems, utilize resources, get extra help, have fun night outs, watch a movie and enjoy! When needed, do not be afraid to get help from a professional.