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How to Find the Right Phone for you

What to look for in a new phone

The way toward picking a new phone sure is upsetting, yet it can be fun also. In case you’re making some hard memories picking which telephone to get with all the numerous decisions you could look over, don’t stress since we can get you out. Simply read through the entire article. Here we have a few hints such us what to consider while picking a telephone, to assist you with arriving on the best decision you might get. 

The first thing you have to consider when searching for a telephone to purchase, is the size of its inward stockpiling and its RAM. You need a telephone that could have a great deal of information spared. You need to have the option to take pictures and recordings, download applications, spare films and music, and so forth. You need to do every one of these things without dealing with your capacity from time to time just cm gm since it gets full without any problem. You additionally need a colossal RAM to keep your telephone from hanging once applications are downloaded. 

If you’re into taking photographs, at that point you likely would need a telephone that has an incredible camera. At the point when individuals consider a telephone that gives the best camera, they naturally consider iPhone. Such telephone most likely has the best camera there is. It gives the best quality photographs. That’ why huge amounts of style bloggers use iPhone to take photographs in light of the fact that the outcomes are much the same as in a DSLR. So on the off chance that you love taking photographs yourself, at that point you should consider getting iPhone. 

iPhone is most likely the main telephone there is. It’s quality is stunning, it runs easily, it doesn’t breakdown or crash, it’s anything but difficult to utilize, and essentially is only the best. You should consider getting such telephone on the off chance that you need to have an incredible encounter. We realize it costs a fortune so you should ensure that you deal with it like its your infant. 

Fixing any harms of an iPhone would cost you a great deal of cash, so ensure that it doesn’t harm in any capacity. In any case, on the off chance that it does, we know dependable individuals that can fix it without leaving a gap in your pocket. They have the information and aptitude on the best way to reestablish it back like you have quite recently gotten it. What’s more, the best thing about them is that they don’t charge their customers as much as different organizations would. They offer quality administrations at moderate costs. So if something happens to your telephone, simply take it to the best fixspecialist, they got you secured! Ensured that once you experience the sort of administration they offer, you will unquestionably be content with the outcomes. They have served a ton of fulfilled customers, and you can be one of them. Be one of their fulfilled clients now!

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See also: Diploma Programmes 

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How A Diploma Study Can Help Your Parents

Benefits Of Having A Diploma

No one can undermine the sacrifices of the parents. Even if you think that your parents are not as good as the other parents, like maybe they are not able to provide you with all the things you need, the fact that you grow old, the fact that you are now about to start your college education, only means they really took good care of you. That is right and this is why, if they are not financially endowed, you should start thinking about helping them.

This video is very touching as it talks about the sacrifices mothers make for their children:

But how can you help them when you are still about to start your college? If you will take a full load, you won’t have a time to take part-time jobs? You might not realize it, but there is still a way for you to help them or to lessen their burden and that is to choose a course that is not too costly. Yes, and you should also look for a college that offers scholarships, such as Widad College, you might be eligible to apply and so on. The contact details of Widad College is at the bottom.

How A Diploma Helps Your Parents

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You should also consider the sacrifices of your parents and won’t demand on something that is too burdensome for them. Instead, you can just take a diploma study. A diploma course will just take you 2 to 3 years and you can graduate right away if you will be good. And at that time, you can start passing your resume and start earning.

See Also: What Every Student should Know about Internships

But you have to note though that the competition in the business world is intense. This is why, you must make sure to get high marks. This is the only way for you to be favored by any company later on. You might think that because you will choose a diploma study, you will never become a degree holder.

Well, that is not the case really as you can still pursue a degree course later on. However, you have to finish it at a university. You can even support yourself by then, so you won’t have to burden your parents at that time anymore.

Another good thing with a diploma study is your parent can apply for a PTPTN loan. This is a kind of loan that can cover all your expenses while you are still studying, and all diploma study students are given priority on this as a kind of assistance. This should greatly lessen the burden of your parents as without a doubt, it will be too stressful for them to always be wary if they can find enough for your studies. At the same time, this is also for you not to be stressed that you might not be able to take the future exams because of lack of funds.

Yes, the world is round and what goes around, comes around. While you are still helpless, your parents were there for you up until now. So, it is just right that in the future, you will also take good care of them.

Widad College
B10, Mezzanine Floor, Jalan IM3/13, BIM Point, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, MALAYSIA
Contact No: 609-573 7777
Email: [email protected]

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What Every Student should Know about Internships

Internship is now part of the education system. Though not all courses require this, most are and this is why, every student should be prepared as once he is in the last year of his course, there is a good chance he will be required of hours of internship before he can graduate.

When I was about to graduate, I was also kind of scared and at the same time excited to start my internship. I am pretty sure every graduating student feels the same as after all, this is something that is already part of the real world. One will not be confined in the four walls of the classroom anymore, but he will be mingling with real world, real workers and real jobs.

What can one learn about internships? Check out our tips!

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Getting started with the internship

One thing I learned before is that not all companies will accept your application for internship. Yes, and it is important that a graduating student should know this beforehand so he will not pass the application on the last minute. Though this is not exactly as hard as when one is looking for a real job, still there are hurdles in the process. And one thing to note is that most companies will accept applicants if they are also eyeing graduates from that university. So, the choice of company will matter a lot.

Though there are times when we can’t help it as it is not as if one can change school all of a sudden, there are still some things an applicant can do. Yes, for one, he can become active in the digital world. He has to be sure that his profile will reflect on what he really wants like if he plans to apply in an IT company, he should be active in their platforms. There are many internships in the IT field at the job portal Kerija.

Internships will help a graduating student realize what he does not want to do

There are really times when we don’t yet what we want to pursue. We think we like this and that, but once we get the taste of it, we realize that it is not for us after all. This can also happen during an internship. It is at this time as well that one will realize what he wants. I came therefore to realize that diversifying the internships can help us see what we want to pursue.

An internship can lead to a future job

Though one’s focus should be to learn during an internship, but there are times when such can lead to a permanent job. Yes, this happens a lot of time when a graduating student enjoys a lot during his internship and at the same time, the boss of the company also appreciates his efforts. Again, we are not job-hunting during internship, and so, one’s focus should be to learn.

The passion of the applicant is as essential as his resume

Passion is always important as it can be equated to the determination of a person. And though we don’t really announce our passion, one can easily see if we are passionate about something. It will reflect on how we give importance to something and for sure, the company manager will see this as well in his employees as well as in his interns.

Take a look at this video to learn more tips on interview questions:

There are still a lot of things I learned during my internship and for sure, graduating students will also have to learn a lot while at the same time, enjoying the experience. One should really look forward to his internship because it is a taste of the real world!…

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Things To Search for in a Venture Property

Looking for A Venture Property?

Easy revenue, gratefulness, security, incredible returns, tax reductions—the contentions for putting resources into long haul, hold-to-lease land simply bode well. Hear them out long enough, and you truly begin to ponder, “For what reason am I not in on this?”

This video gives very useful advice as well:

Listen somewhat more, and that question turns into, “Okay, how would I get in on this?”

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Not all hold-to-lease properties are made equivalent. In case you’re on the chase for a long haul land venture, you have to comprehend what you’re searching for, and you have to recognize what your imminent tenants are searching for, also.

See also: Valid Reasons Why You Should Hire A Real Estate Agent

Here are the five things that ought to be at the highest point of your agenda.

1. An Alluring Area

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The explanation you hear everybody going on about “area, area, area” is on the grounds that it truly is that significant. An engaging area is vital to getting an incredible profit for your venture. It decides the measure of lease you acquire and the nature of your leaseholder.

An area with access to a lot of pleasantries is your most solid option when you’re hoping to hold-and-lease. Great schools, a flourishing activity showcase, open transportation, parks, eateries, malls, post workplaces, clinical focuses, libraries, and diversion settings are only a couple of the things that will make your rental speaking to planned occupants.

2. Numbers that Bode well

In case you’re new to land, you may be enticed to pick your speculation property dependent on feeling. That is a typical snare, and it’s one that you truly would prefer not to fall into. Recollect that you’re not going to be living right now, so your own preferences don’t make a difference.
What does make a difference are the numbers.

Make a monetary procedure before you purchase, and remember that you’re covering something other than the home loan. You likewise need to factor working expenses and property charges into the condition, just as the normal opening rate.

At the point when you’re dealing with the numbers, remember that since lease costs are higher in a specific zone doesn’t mean you’re going to leave away with positive income toward the day’s end. Set aside the effort to ascertain what the genuine result will be against your underlying speculation. A great part of the time, middle evaluated speculations with sensible lease yield preferred long haul returns over prominent rentals.

4. The Possibility to Appreciate

Savvy speculation is an investment property that acknowledges in esteem. For you as a financial specialist, gratefulness takes a shot at two levels: the first is the point at which you purchase the property, and the second is the point at which you sell it.

At the point when you purchase, take a gander at the gratefulness potential that you can get from doing a couple of restorative reports on the spot. What amount more will you have the option to charge for lease after the dividers have another layer of paint, contrasted with what it would be worth as it stands? You remain to get a good deal on your underlying speculation in case you’re willing to place a little work into the property after you get it.

The other thing to take a gander at is how a lot of the property will be worth when you sell it not far off. All land will welcome a tad after some time, yet you need a venture that will increment in esteem more than the rest. It’s implied that a few zones are more best in class than others. In any case, you can take it significantly farther than that.

Take a gander at the intrigue of the particular area of the property inside the bigger neighborhood (for instance, being on a circular drive expands esteem). You can likewise look at with city corridor to discover about designs to fabricate new courtesies, which will help future property estimations in the region.

5. Ordinary, Totally

Long haul, hold-to-lease land can be an extraordinary and stable venture—when you’re shrewd about it. At the point when you’re not brilliant about it, you can end up in a high-hazard circumstance quick. On account of long haul rentals, “keen” signifies “ordinary.” You’re not hoping to turn into the following HGTV marvel. You need a consistent, generally safe speculation.
What “ordinary” signifies is that you’re searching for something down to earth, fit as a fiddle, in a spot where individuals need to live. A case of “useful”: A three-room, two-shower house with a typical format, situated close to schools and significant work places. Illogical? The delightfully refreshed Victorian that has a latrine in the patio.

You likewise need to know the nuts and bolts about who you’re leasing to, so you can meet that focus on gathering’s essential measures. For instance, in case you’re leasing to a more youthful group, you need to put resources into a property with units that have an open format. In case you’re focusing on a retirement network, you need to discover one that doesn’t have a lot of stairs.

In hold-to-lease land contributing, the primary concern is this: Adhere to the essentials. They may not be energizing, yet they’ll lead you to long haul achievement.

If you are currently shopping for the best properties, you can check out …

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Chef Wan x EdgeProp: Meal Promotions For You!

Chef Wan x EdgeProp: Meal Promotions For You!

There may be some days where you have to look for food options if you can’t cook at home. Well, we have good news for you! Chef Wan dishes are made available to you – we provide meal deliveries to wherever you may be! Not just that – we collaborated with Edgeprop to provide you unlimited meals and many more if you purchase a property from Edgeprop!

Having hesitation before you buy a condo on Google? Read this article to find out the pros of owning one!

homenet zambia cjqz694yz0lr00195zylujd2l - Chef Wan x EdgeProp: Meal Promotions For You!

The Advantages of Buying a Condo

Flexible Living

A mid-sized condo is perfect for buyers who want to downsize from a larger home or who don’t want to spend a ton of time maintaining a house. A smaller space provides more freedom for residents who want to spend time traveling or enjoying their city instead of constantly working on home improvement. If you were to buy property verve suites or buy property marc residence, you’ll definitely have a better flexible living.

More Affordable Than Single-Family Houses

In larger cities or beachfront locations, a condo can be much more affordable than comparable houses, making it a less intimidating buy for first-time homeowners. In some cities, owning a condo is also often cheaper than renting an apartment or buying a townhouse.

Cheaper Insurance

When you own a condo, your homeowners insurance only needs to cover the inside of your home, as your monthly HOA fees will help insure the building or complex you’re in. A house, however, requires insurance for inside and outside. This means your rates will often be cheaper than the insurance needed for a house.

Great Sense of Community

Most condo buildings and complexes have communal spaces, such as kitchens, patios, or rooftops, where residents can get together and get to know one another better. In addition, condo communities usually host fun events for residents like movie nights, game nights, wine tastings, cookouts, and more. If you buy property verve suites mont kiara, you’ll have better sense of community for sure!

Proximity to Entertainment & Business Districts

One major advantage of condo living is that condo building are typically found in or around downtown areas, so residents have great access to nearby entertainment and business districts. This means living within walking distance of restaurants and bars, public transit, major attractions, and tons of events.

Top-Notch Amenities

You don’t have to live in a luxury condominium to enjoy nice amenities. Most condos have community spaces like a pool, rooftop terraces, or a fitness center, which you can use without worrying about the upkeep. Some condos even have tennis courts or spas! Keep in mind that the more amenities a condominium complex has, the more your HOA (homeowners association) fee will be each month.

Appliances Included

When you buy a house, you often have to buy appliances like refrigerators, ovens, and washers and dryers. Of course, these appliances can be included in the sale, but you’ll have to update them in the future if you want to sell your house. Most condos come pre-furnished with these appliances, and in some cases their repairs can be covered by building maintenance, which is a major advantage. Most serviced apartments are fully-furnished, you can read this article for more information.

Covered Maintenance

Condos offers residents the opportunity to embrace homeownership without the hassle of yard work, snow shovelling, or home repairs. Building hallways, entryways, and community spaces are also taken care of by a cleaning or maintenance staff, so you only have to worry about your living space.

Good Security

Most condo buildings have secure entrances and surveillance cameras, and some even have security guards or doorman who keeps an eye on the property. This is especially great for those who live alone.

They are worry-free

Because the condo unit is already available, you will not have to go through the phase of worrying about its completion. As a buyer, you will not have to wait for years wondering if the target date of completion will be followed, or worry about the length of delay should there be any. No need to worry about any changes in the fittings, finishing, and the quality of the finished product as you are getting what you are actually buying.

They Are Ready to Be Inspected

One of the many joys of shopping around for a home is to actually visit each one of your options and choose among the best. Before even deciding on a specific unit, you can check all the available inventories for sale. You can check all of their actual sizes, cuts, and orientation; inspect the current condition of each unit; see the fixtures if there are any; and even scrutinize the view outside the window. This way, you can be sure that the unit you are getting is up to your standards after a thorough inspection.

For more information, go to Verve Suites KL for more information. Get your own verve mont kiara property before it’s too late! Or better yet, you should consider either Marc Residence or Verve Suites, instead of considering just one property. And if you need valid reasons why you should hire a real estate agent, you can read this article right here.

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Liver Cyst – Things to Know

Liver Cyst – Things to Know

A liver cyst is an abscess in the liver.

A cyst can form anywhere and when it is a liver cyst, it goes without saying that it develops in the liver. There are many reasons why a cyst develops and the most common is that it is congenital. It means that the cyst is already in your liver when you were born, and you just don’t feel it. Thus, you must get hepatitis medicine in Malaysia to cure any liver disease.

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How to know if you have a liver cyst? Note that when the cyst is too small yet, you can hardly realize that it is already there as there are no symptoms. In fact, some may just know they have a liver cyst because of other condition, and they need to have a CT scan.

There are different reasons why one has a liver cyst or liver cysts for that matter aside from being congenital. Liver cancer can also cause liver cysts. However, this is not common, but once you experience the symptoms, you can easily check in the internet, you should see your doctor. Another cause of liver cysts, is PLD or polycystic disease. This can generate liver cysts though, most of the time, your liver functions will not be affected.…

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Valid Reasons Why You Should Hire A Real Estate Agent

Are you planning to buy property in Malaysia?

You are not the only one who is enticed to settle in this country and in fact, this country is really becoming popular. With Malaysia known for not only their amazing delicacies but also for the living environment, it is a no brainer why expats would come and move here. However, even if you are a local or an expat, you still need the assistance of a real estate agent once you decide to buy a property here. This is to make sure that you know most of your options and at the same time, for you to get the best deal as well. is known to have the best properties all around Malaysia. If you are looking for a place in Johor, check out Selesa Puteri Condominium, Summer Park Townhouse, Horizon Residence (Dwi Mutiara), Sri Akasia and CintaAyu Resort. Of course, every property is covered by an agent and you might think there will be no need for you to hire one. However, it would be best if you are familiar with the agent, right?

That is right and this is why it is always best to hire an agent beforehand so that at the same time, he can be by your side while picking the right property in Malaysia.

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For more reasons why a real estate agent should be your ally, check this out:

1. They Are Called Experts For A Reason

There are a lot of things you can learn from a real estate agent which will be useful in your quest to get a property in Malaysia. Even if you are a local here or an expat, you won’t have enough knowledge about the properties available and you might not have enough skills to choose the property. But that won’t be the case if an experienced real estate agent will be by your side.

2. Saves You A Lot of Trouble

You know very well that a property owner will always include in his price the rate of the agent. Well, of course, if you will not go through the agent, this will be deducted from the property price. But then again, are you confident enough to deal with all the complicated processes so that the deal will push through? Note that the owner might assist you, but you will be the one to shoulder the expenses. At the same time, there are aspects in the deal that the owner might not be able to extend his hand as he is busy as well. At times like this, you will surely prefer it if someone will tell you what to do next. In short, hiring a real estate agent will save you not only time, but also money and energy.

3. Safety & Precaution

When you buy a property in Malaysia, the first factor you should consider is the safety, especially if you are planning to live there. A real estate agent will usually take the time to learn more about the neighborhood of the property it is selling, knowing a typical buyer will ask about this. Of course, you can do the research yourself as well, but then again, as you are not trained to do this, you might get what exactly it is you want. The people you will ask, might not respond the way you want them to as, based on how you ask them, they might not get what you really want to know. This is where you differ with the real estate agent as he will know how to handle this kind of situation so that he will really know what he wants to know. After all, he wants to tell the client the real situation and not just what the client wants to hear. He does not want that the client might blame him later on for the misinformation.

4. Get Expert Advice & Guidance

You will learn a lot if you confer with a real estate agent before starting the process of buying a property in Malaysia. That is right as most of them are well-informed about the current market of properties based on their type and location. Through their guidance, you should be able to make wise decisions as to the type of property to buy and when is the best time to do it. Note that even in this industry, fluctuations of property values can also happen and a real estate agent is the best person to advise you that.

5. Realtors Are More Honest

Hiring a real estate agent before starting the property buying will benefit you a lot, especially if you will make sure that you choose a Realtor. So, what is a Realtor? When you say a realtor, it means that he is a part of a group in which there are rules and regulations they need to comply in which one of them is to make sure that they give only honest services to their clients. It does not mean though that the others are not honest as after all, honest is self-choice. However, it will also help if a person will be obliged to do or else, he will face some serious consequences. A realtor needs to consider the client’s interests above all.

6. Might Save You More Money

When it comes to setting a price, a real …

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Chef Wan’s links.

For more info about me check out the links below.

Acknowledgements :

I wish to express my gratitude to the following organizations for graciously allowing me to use photographs and material.

Press :

Bernama, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian & The Star.

Publishing Companies :

Times Editions, Berita Editions & NL Cooperate Press.

Broadcasting Companies :

BBC, MediaCorp TV, Suria Channell, Food Channell US, RTM & TV3

My Books :

Link to my movie,theatre and cooking show that i involved :

News :

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Join Now!

The purpose of this club is to get close with the fan, to make you all find the cooking is fun, educate and perhaps everybody get motivated and get start own business, like catering. We maybe organize a cooking courses for them and hope one day they end up as a chef or just a home cook.

As a member of Chef Wan’s Fan Club, you will enjoy many special privileges and benefits such as the following.

  • Get a Membership Card
  • Get a 10% discount on all Chef Wan’s Cookbooks. These will be personally autographed by Chef Wan
  • Preference to attend cook shows presented by Chef Wan
  • Preference to join Chef Wan’s Gourmet Travel Tours at discount prices. These tours which are organized twice a year encompass the ASEAN region and Europe.
  • Get a 10% discount on cooking classes conducted by Chef Wan
  • An annual gathering for fans
  • Special dinner and lunch sessions with Chef Wan at various restaurants. Cooking demonstrations will be included

Fill up this simple form now and be a member!

bv - Fanclub
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Helpful Hints

Cooking for pleasure or necessity is one of life’s pastimes we don’t always have time for. Many of us dread cooking because we think it is a difficult and time-consuming activity which is followed by a never-ending, cleaning job. However, I can tell you from personal experience that with a little bit of organization and thought, cooking need no longer be drudgery. Instead it can be an experience that is full of fun and very enjoyable. The kitchen is a place where you can relax and try out recipes. Cooking can be extremely rewarding and self-fulfilling.

I have included this section on useful tips because I feel that this is not only important but also necessary. Some of these tips are time-saving hints, while others teach you how to repair damage, clean-up or even buy produce. I hope that with the help of these hints, more people will be encouraged to try their hand at cooking. Do pass these tips on to your friends – after all, everyone is always looking for ways to make life easier.…

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Chef Wan’s Recipes

Many people have asked me how I get ideas to create new recipes. Well, the answer is to beg, borrow and steal! All chefs do this, and if they say that they don’t, then they are not being entirely truthful. But sometimes we also create our own recipes. We are all professionally trained, but at the end of the day, although the basic recipe is still the same, we can creatively change it by adding, removing and substituting ingredients to make it different and more fun.

My recipes are different from other recipes because they are fully tested. I have a team of skilled, creative and competent people who work for me. They help to develop the recipes. Once the recipes are prepared, I taste them and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. I also give comments about the recipes. Anything that is rated above 7 may be used. Recipes that are rated below 6 will be discarded or sometimes redone to improve the taste, texture and flavor so that there is always a consistency in quality.

I like all types of recipes, but my favourites are salads and pastries.…

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My Cooking

Chef Wan’s Cookery Book.

This is the shopping section where you can browse around and find all the cool stuff for sale and then buy it! I am the leading cookbook author in all of Southeast Asia, published in Malay, Chinese and English by Times Singapore, MediaCorp, Berita Publishing and many more. You can purchase my books at TIMES or MPH bookstore.

Book Awards

Salon International Du Livre Gourmand 2000 Periguex, France A Fold Medal For Presentation Of ‘The Royal Dining Etiquette Of The Palace Of Perak’ In The Century In Malaysia.
Salon International Du Livre Guormand 2000- Prix La Mazille Special Prize For Career As Food Ambassador Of Malaysia.
Salon International Du Livre Guormand 2003 In Barcelona, Spain – Best Malay Chef Book In Malaysia ‘Mengelilingi Dunia Bersama Chef Wan’ by Times Edition.

My Books :


The best recipes from Asia’s most celebrated chef
Author : 
Chef Wan
Publisher : 
Publish Date : 
01 March 2003
Main Category : 
Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
Chef Wan entertains again in a person Thailand, Indonesia, Greece, Middle East, Carribean, America, France, Italy, all collection of 86 recipes from the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Britain and Spain. Plus anecdotes of his experiences in these places in his own inimitable style.

208 pp, full colour photographs
240 x 220 mm, limp
ISBN 981 232 204 3 (English)
ISBN 981 232 229 9 (Malay)


240 pastry recipes from asia’s most flamboyant food ambassador
Author : 
Chef Wan
Publisher : 
Main Category : 
Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
In this book, Chef Wan has personally conjured recipes of sweet treats to tantalise and entice the blandest of taste buds! packed with exciting recipes ranging from piping hot muffins, pastries and croissants to tickling cold puddings.

192 pp, full colour photographs
240 x 220 mm, limp
ISBN 981 232 547 6 (English)
ISBN 904 825 1 (Malay)


cooking made easy by Asia’s top celebrity chef
Author : Chef Wan
Publisher : 
Main Category : 
Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
After the success of his first book, Chef Wan’s Sweet Treats, Chef Wan, shares with readers his collection of over 180 recipes for savoury dishes. Accompanied by mouth-watering colour photographs, his guide is easy to follow and is sure to appeal to both the beginner and the seasoned cook.

200 pp, full colour photographs
240 x 220 mm, limp
ISBN 981 232 577 8 (English)
ISBN 981 204 872 X (Malay)


Favourite recipes from Chef Wan
Author : Chef Wan
Publisher : 
Main Category : 
Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
This book contains more than 180 favourite recipes from Chef Wan, which have been divided into sections; snacks, salads and ‘kerabu’, soup, rice and porridge, meat, poultry, seafood, noodles and pasta, accompanied by colourful and vibrant photographs. Some of these recipes have been handed down by relatives and friends, whereas the others were created by Chef Wan himself during the course of his career. No matter what the source, these recipes are mouthwatering due to the fine texture and taste as well as attractive presentation.

208 pp, full colour photographs
240 x 220 mm, limp
ISBN 9812328092 (Malay)


Author : Chef Wan
Publisher :
Published Date : 
01 June 2002
Main Category : 
Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
This book is a collection of recipes by Chef Wan based on his column in the magazine ‘Jelita’ from the June 1993 issue till the December 1997 issue. We felt that it was necessary to collect and republish all these recipes in one book to make it easier for the fans of Chef Wan to gain access to them.

196 pp, full colour photographs
240 x 220 mm, limp
ISBN 981 204 0420 (English)


Author : Chef Wan
Publisher : 
NL Cooperate Press
Main Category : 
Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
For the first time Suria TV, MYI production and NL Cooperate Press success to produce a cooking book and Chef Wan proud to be part of this.

98 pp, full colour photographs
155 x 285 mm, limp
ISBN 972 03 1542B (Malay)


Author : Chef Wan
Publisher : 
Main Category :
 Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
From Malaysia’s Food Ambassador, Chef Wan brings this new collection of over 200 dessert and pastry recipes for the novice baker and experienced chef. For sweet lovers, this book will be a great inspiration with a wide range of recipes, from all time favourites such as All-American Apple Pie to innovative delights such as Foccaccia with Red Onion and Rosemary, Persimmon Cake and Durian Cheesecake. Tarts, muffins, breads, puddings – a delicious range.

196 pp, full colour photographs
240 x 220 mm, limp
ISBN 981 204 0420 (English)


Hidangan Kegemaran Chef WanAuthor : Chef Wan
Publisher : 
Main Category :
 Food & Drinks
Sub-Category : 
Price : 
As the innovative Food Ambassador of Malaysia, Chef Wan has created a collection of more than 200 recipes for desserts and pastries which will be
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Chef Wan In Person.

I was born, Redzuawan Bin Ismail, in Singapore in 1958. I am the eldest in a family of seven children. I qualified as an accountant but due to my passion for cooking, I later became a professional chef. I have an associate degree in Professional Chef Training and Hotel Management from the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, United States. I also have a Ritz Escoffeir Diploma (Ecole Ritz-Esscoffier De Gastronomie Francaise) from the Ritz Hotel in Paris, France.

I am the author of several famous best selling cookbooks. I have won numerous book awards. Among them are:-

Salon International Du Livre Gourmand 2000 Periguex, France, a Gold Medal for Presentation Of ‘The Royal Dining Etiquette Of The Palace Of Perak’ In The Century In Malaysia
Salon International Du Livre Gourmand 2000 – Prix La Mazille Special Prize for his career as Food Ambassador of Malaysia.
Salon International Du Livre Gourmand 2003 in Barcelona, Spain for the Best Malay Chef Book in Malaysia (‘Mengelilingi Dunia bersama Chef Wan’ by Times Edition)

As a prolific writer, I also contributes articles for various publications such as:-

Flavours, Star Publication (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Jelita, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd
Malaysia Tatler Food and Restaurant Guide, Communication Management Ltd.
Marie Claire Malaysian Edition Guide to Eating in Malaysia/Singapore.

In October 2002, I gave a seminar on “The Excitement and Enticement of Malaysian Cuisine’ at the IFCA / IFSA (International Inflight Catering Association) Asia Pacific Conference held in Kuala Lumpur on behalf of Malaysia Airlines. I received a standing ovation by the participants at the end of his speech. I was co-emcee at the Gala Dinner for the 9th Gourmand World Cook Book Awards 2003 held in Barcelona, Spain.

The best thing about being a chef is that I get to make people happy. Food makes people happy. No matter how big your problems are, you still have to eat. I believe that problems seem bigger on an empty stomach. Moreover, food has a way of cheering us up.

I am different from other chefs because I am not just a chef. Not only am I well-traveled, but I am also an entertainer, an actor, an author and a motivator. I believe that food is one way to make people happy. My dream is that through my position as food ambassador, I can bring peace to the world. I also believe that food can unite people from all walks of life and cultures. When we sit together and eat, we promote better understanding and harmony.

Being a gregarious person, I love to entertain people and socialize. I enjoy watching movies and dancing. I also like to read and indulge in gardening whenever I can. I have simple tastes. Although I like fashion, I believe that the most important thing is comfort. To me, it is important that I feel confident and comfortable with the way I look. I love simple food and fruit juices. My favourite is Asian and Japanese food, followed closely by Thai, Mediterranean and Provance cuisine.

I am very motivated. The simplest things motivate me. Once I understand a concept, I will do it. Being a perfectionist, I believe that if you do something, you should do it well. Life has brought me fame and fortune. I wish to give back part of what I have received. Thus, I support various charities. I generously donate time, effort and money for any worthwhile cause.
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