• greenchicken 370x247 - Green Chicken Curry greenchicken 105x105 - Green Chicken Curry

    Green Chicken Curry

    Delicious green curry served with sliced chicken.
  • sayur 361x247 - Sayur Simpul sayur 105x105 - Sayur Simpul

    Sayur Simpul

    Stir-fried vegetables.
  • chicken 370x247 - Ayam Straganoff chicken 105x105 - Ayam Straganoff

    Ayam Straganoff

    Golden seared chicken thighs or breast smothered in a sour cream Stroganoff Sauce.
  • product 8 370x247 - Fish Parmentier product 8 105x105 - Fish Parmentier

    Fish Parmentier

    Cod, haddock, prawn and salmon in a creamy white wine and leek sauce, topped with mash potato and Gruyère cheese…

  • Apple Strudel Apple Strudel

    Roast Duck Breast Exquisite taste

    Roasted duck breast (served pink) with gratin potato and a griottine cherry sauce…

  • Pizza Margherita Pizza Margherita

    Breton Fish Stew

    Pan roasted haddock fillet wrapped in smoked French bacon with pea purée and tomato and chive vinaigrette…