The Ultimate Guide on How to Clean Pots and Pans

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Cooking with is an art that brings families and friends together, creating cherished memories and yummy meals  . However, the aftermath of a sumptuous meal often involves a less pleasant task – cleaning up the pots and pans. Malaysians, known for their love of flavorful cuisine, understand the importance of maintaining cookware. In this guide, we will explore effective methods for cleaning pots and pans while highlighting the benefits of proper maintenance.

The Importance of Proper Cookware Maintenance

Before delving into the how-to’s, it’s essential to understand the significance of keeping your pots and pans clean. Proper maintenance not only prolongs the lifespan of your cookware but also ensures the flavors of your dishes remain untainted. Well-maintained pots and pans distribute heat evenly, enhancing cooking results and preventing burned-on residues that can alter the taste of your favorite recipes.

1. What You Need for Effective Cleaning

Gathering the right tools and materials is the first step towards successful pot and pan cleaning. You’ll need:

Hot Water: Hot water is a staple for effective cleaning. It helps to loosen food particles and grease, making scrubbing easier.

Dish Soap: Use a mild dish soap that is tough on grease but gentle on your cookware’s surface.

Non-abrasive Scrubbers: Opt for non-abrasive scrubbers to avoid damaging the surface of your pots and pans.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is a versatile cleaner that can remove tough stains without scratching the cookware.

Vinegar: Vinegar works wonders in removing mineral deposits and burnt residues.

Soft Clothes or Sponges:  Use soft cloths or sponges to scrub the cookware gently.

2. The Cleaning Process

Step 1: Let Them Cool Down: Allow your pots and pans to cool before cleaning. Plunging hot cookware into cold water can cause warping.

Step 2: Hand Wash Whenever Possible: While some cookware is dishwasher-safe, hand washing is gentler and extends their lifespan.

Step 3: Soak and Scrub: For stubborn residues, fill the pots or pans with hot water and add a few drops of dish soap. Let them soak for a while before gently scrubbing with a non-abrasive scrubber.

Step 4: Baking Soda Power:  To tackle burnt-on stains, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area and add a little water to form a paste. Allow it to sit for a while, then scrub and rinse.

Step 5: Vinegar for Shine: To remove mineral deposits and enhance the shine, boil a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar in the cookware for a few minutes. Let it cool, then wash and dry.

3. The Benefits of Regular Maintenance

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Enhanced Cooking Performance:  Well-maintained pots and pans ensure even heat distribution, preventing unevenly cooked meals.

Preserved Flavors: Clean cookware prevents cross-contamination of flavors, allowing your dishes to shine in their true essence.

Extended Lifespan:  Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of damaging substances, increasing the longevity of your cookware.

Cost-Efficiency:  By maintaining your pots and pans, you avoid the need for frequent replacements.

Aesthetics: Clean cookware looks appealing and encourages you to enjoy the cooking process.


For Malaysians, whose kitchens are brimming with rich culinary traditions, proper maintenance of pots and pans is of utmost importance. The art of cleaning cookware involves a blend of gentle techniques and powerful natural agents like baking soda and vinegar. By dedicating a little time to clean your pots and pans after every meal, you’re not only preserving their appearance but also ensuring the delicious flavors of your creations continue to shine. 

With enhanced cooking performance, prolonged lifespan, and cost-efficiency, the benefits of regular maintenance are undeniable. So, embrace the cleaning process, and let your pots and pans reflect your passion for both cooking and cleanliness.…

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Guide to The Best Container to Use For Meal Prep

If you’re serious about meal prepping, then having the right container can make all the difference. Not only can it keep your food fresh and tasty, but it can also help you stay organized and on track with your health goals. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best container to use for meal prep for your needs. In this article, we’ll break down the key factors to consider when choosing a meal prep container, and recommend some of the best options available in Malaysia.

What to Consider When Choosing a Meal Prep Container

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  1. Material: The most common materials for meal prep containers are plastic, glass, and stainless steel. Plastic is lightweight and affordable, but can be prone to staining and odor absorption. Glass is durable and doesn’t stain or absorb odors, but can be heavy and breakable. Stainless steel is durable and long-lasting, but can be expensive and not as practical for reheating food.
  2. Size and Shape: Consider the size and shape of the container in relation to the portion sizes of your meals and the space you have available in your fridge or bag. Some containers have dividers or compartments for separating foods.
  3. Seal: A good seal is essential for keeping your food fresh and preventing leaks. Look for containers with tight-fitting lids and seals that are easy to close and open.
  4. Microwave and Freezer Safe: Make sure the container you choose is safe for use in the microwave and freezer, especially if you plan on reheating or freezing your meals.

The Pros of Using Meal Prep Containers

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  1. Saves Time: Prepping meals in advance can save you time during busy weekdays, and having them ready to go in containers makes it even easier to grab and go.
  2. Helps with Portion Control: Pre-measuring your meals can help you avoid overeating and stay on track with your health goals.
  3. Reduces Food Waste: Using meal prep containers can help you reduce food waste by ensuring that you only prepare the amount of food you need and keeping leftovers fresh for future meals.

Best Meal Prep Containers in Malaysia

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  1. Glasslock Meal Prep Containers: Made of tempered glass with airtight and leak-proof snap-lock lids, these containers are oven, microwave, and dishwasher safe.
  2. Lock & Lock Meal Prep Containers: These containers are made of BPA-free plastic and feature a four-sided locking system for a secure seal. They are microwave, freezer, and dishwasher safe.
  3. Stainless Steel Meal Prep Containers: These containers are made of durable stainless steel and are perfect for cold or hot foods. They are not microwave safe, but can be used in the oven and on the stove.


Meal prep containers are an essential tool for anyone who wants to make healthy eating a priority. By considering the factors mentioned above and choosing the right container for your needs, you can make meal prepping an easy and enjoyable experience.…

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